give up :)

aku dah give up . wahh . slamber jea kan ? okey . kalau korang kenal aku , sebelum nie aku bukan jenis yang cepat give up . tapi sekarang , yeah . i'm officially give up . dengar tue ? AKU DAH GIVE UP LAH WOYYY ! hey kau , kau dan kau . dengar tue ? aku tanak ulang . aku give up lah . thanks sebab pernah jadi sahabat aku . walaupun seminggu . kan ? aku harap kau dan dea happy together . always . okey ? kau hebat . memang hebat . sebab kau dah curi hati aku . hahah . tapi kan . kau tak sehebat dea . yang pernah curi hati aku sepenuhnya . kenapa hah ? tak habishabis nak sebut nama orang yang aku benci tue ? kau cakap kau sahabat aku . kenapa mesti buat aku sedih ? perlu kea ? heh . sekarang . hati aku sakit . sakit sangat sangat . aku harap . adek aku ada sekarang nie . aku perlukan dea . paehh , paeh pi mana ? :(

hey sayang , baca nie .

I love you more every day ,
My name I long for you to say .
Do you know just how I feel ?
Do you know this love is real ?
Sometimes I wonder what you think .
When you hear my name , do your cheeks turn pink ?
Do you dream about me every night ?
Wish to hug me and hold me tight ?
Do you think we're meant to b e?
Together forever , you and me ?
These are the questions that run through my mind ,
Your way into my heart , you did find .
It drives me crazy as to what I should do ,
Should I risk a friendship and confess to you ?
Or should I keep my feelings inside ,
Keep them locked up, let them hide ?
I just don't know what to do anymore ,
My heart it aches , my heart it's sore .
I love you more than you could know ,
And I don't want to ever let you go .
So even if I'm just a friend ,
I'll always love you until the end . 

p/s : untuk kau sayang . paeh , akak nak paeh :(

Masyehh awok (: Tekan LIKE pulak yee :p

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